This blog is a collection of my stories. Stories of love and lust. Stories of a man's love for another man. Stories of all sorts of love one man might have for another. All are just fiction unless I specify otherwise. Even in my true stories, I've changed the names. I hope you enjoy them. I'd love it if you'd tell me one way or the other, but be nice. Please. If you have a picture that you think would inspire a story, or a story line you'd like me to try, send it to me via e-mail at:

Disclaimer: All pictures and videos, unless otherwise noted, were taken from the Internet and are assumed to be public domain. There was no intention to break any copyright or to make profit from the images in any way or inflict any harm. If you own the copyright to a photo or video displayed on my blog, or are in it, and want it removed, please send me a message and I will gladly remove it.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sssh, Isn't that the guy that's always talking trash about our gay fraternity?

Yeah, that's the preacher's son.

How'd he end up here?

Brady from Phi Delta Kappa said he had a present for us.  Maybe that's it.

That would be just like him. Brady's really cool.  He helped lobby the University to let us on campus.  What are we going to do with him?

I can think of a ton of stuff I'd like to do to him.  That would just give him more ammunition. to use against us though.  I wonder if he know's he's in our house.

I'll call Brady and ask him.  (Hey Bro. I like our present.  Does he know where he is?......Good....... Naw, we'll take a bunch of picture of him and take him some place where someone will let him go.
............Yeah..........Oh shit, that's where we'll put him.  Thanks guy.  See ya later.)  Okay, he has no idea where he is.  Let's get the camera and take some pictures of him.

Then where are we going to take him?

Brady suggested either the girl's gym, or the chapel.  There won't be anyone at the chapel till later on this evening.  It's Wednesday and the Bible study group get there at seven.  

You still got any Viagra?  

One, why?

Wouldn't it be more fun if they found him with a boner?

He's only going to have a boner is something's stimulating him.  Viagra isn't an automatic hard on.

I've got just the thing.

My sister gave me a vibrating dildo.  The dildo is too big for him, but the thing that vibrates is just the right size to stick up his ass.  

Won't you miss it?

I wore out the dildo.

Why does that not surprise me?

Shut up.  Do you want it or not?

Oh hell yeah.  How are we going to get the pill in him?

He's a Red Bull addict.  I'll mash it up in one of those and give it to him.

Shit, let's do it.

The mischievous pair ran and got the camera and stuff.  They came back and one offered their victim the Red Bull. He cursed as soon as his tape gag was removed so they put it back on and poked a hole in it for a straw.  The preacher's son drank the beverage quickly.  

Together, the two lubed up the three inch long three quarter inch wide suppository shaped vibrator with a brand new battery in it, and managed to shove it up the fighting guy's virgin hole.  Instantly, the guy's cock responded to the vibrator massaging his prostate.  They snapped lots of pictures.  Some of the pictures featured them, naked and next to the guy.  None of the pictures had their faces.  They also Photoshopped out any identifying moles or scars and took in their waists a little. 

The other brothers came in and were quickly told to be quiet.  They didn't want him to know where he was. The other brothers helped the two haul the victim into a van and took him to the Chapel.  The placed him right in front of the alter and covered him with a tarp.

That night about six forty five, the bible study class started arriving.  The victim hear their voices and sat perfectly still, hoping they'd go on with the class and not discover him.  It wasn't long before their curiosity got the better of them and one pulled the tarp off.  There were screams of laughter, screams of shock and screams of pure delight.  The victims cock was rock hard and standing at a forty five degree angle.  Precum oozed from the tip.  The poor guy was mortified.  He struggled against the ropes, but as tight as he was tied down, he hardly moved at all.  The people ran around like roaches in a jar.  You'd think they put the tarp back over the obscene sight, but no one thought of that.  

The preacher came out of his office to see what all the commotion was.  He saw he son and freaked out just like everyone else.  Finally, one of the men started untying the kid.  He got his hands loose and the kid yanked off the gag and blind fold.  He wished he hand't taken off the blindfold.  He tried to cover his boner while they finished untying him.  They got the ropes off and he stood up.  He nearly topple over.  The chair was stuck to his ass.  While the two evil guys were sticking the vibrator up his ass, they super glued his ass to the chair.  

The poor guy was desperate to get the vibrator out of his butt.  He started bouncing around and crashing into things until he'd broken the back and legs off the chair.  He could at least walk now.  He ran out of the church and ran into their house next door.  His mom screamed when he came crashing through the door.  Finally, the preacher and another man came in and took the boy to the garage to get something to dissolve the glue.  It took a couple hours to finally get the boy off the seat of the chair without ripping off a chunk of skin.  By then, the acetone they used had made his skin raw.  His ball sack was dried and crusty from the chemical.  

As soon and his ass was free from the chair, he squatted and shit out the vibrator.  His father and the other man were grossed out at first, but then as the vibrator danced around on the floor making a loud buzz, they started laughing.  As angry as the preacher was, he laughed until he was sitting on the floor.  His studly son was crying.  Finally, the preacher took off his shirt and wrapped it around his son's waist.  "Son, what ever you did to make someone mad enough at you to do all this, don't do it again." the preacher chuckled.

The preacher's son wasn't sure who had done that to him.  He knew it was a couple of gay guys.  He realized they could have done much worst things to him.  As he was, the only thing besides and leathery scrotum he had to suffer, was humiliation.  He took it as a warning like his father said and never badmouthed anyone again.  

One day he father asked what ever happened to the vibrator.  His son told him he'd thrown it in the trash.  He lied.

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